The First International Music Research Network
Global Institute for Music Research is the world’s largest network of researchers and music universities.
Research resources
The Global Institute for Music Research holds specialized journals in several lines of research, a reviewed repository, several discussion forums and a fellowships search section.
Collaborative intranet
Our researchers are constantly active. You can now work with them and share projects through our intranet.
The Global Institute for Music Research
The Global Institute for Music Research is the first international network for music researchers.
Learn about the Global Institute
for Music Research
Since 2017 we have been working to connect research institutions interested in music research.

The recognition of the artist as a researcher and the generation of a space for communication by the Global Institute for Music Research may involve a qualitative change in how the higher education institution observes artist-artist work.
PD Dr. Sebastián Gil Armas
Professor of Trumpet at the Conservatorio Superior de Canarias (Spain)
Research Areas
These are our 6 research areas. A brief description of the current lines of research work is included.

Congresses, seminars and events
In the Global Institute for Music Research we have a constant activity of seminars, conferences and research conferences. Learn more about the events we participate in.
Latest News
GIMUR will partner with 6 new institutions.
Read more → : GIMUR will partner with 6 new institutions.During the past week the new project of the institute was presented at the I Congress of Art Schools held in Valencia. After this presentation, several institutions have been interested […]
GIMUR presents its management model at the first international congress of higher conservatories
Read more → : GIMUR presents its management model at the first international congress of higher conservatoriesWith a full room, Ph.D. Jordi Albert presented the different possibilities generated by this research organization. After the meeting, different institutions have expressed their interest in participating as collaborators. One […]
Inauguration of the Global Institute for Music Research
Read more → : Inauguration of the Global Institute for Music ResearchToday, we inaugurate our research center by sharing the schedule of upcoming activities. Soon, GIMUR will participate in the second International Congress of Higher Conservatories held in Spain, in Pamplona […]
Partners and Collaborators

M.Sc. Eva Laliena
Fellowships Administrator
Generate an international network of researchers to create scientific knowledge. Edit Journals of musical research with a high scientific quality. Generate a global repository of scientific publications, theses and research articles around music (view more)
I found my Master’s thesis codirector at GIMUR
Eva Laliena
Music Research Hub
The Global Institute for Music Research serves as a connector for institutions and researchers interested in music-related research. To achieve this, we have developed several tools to facilitate the work of music researchers.
Our institute hosts six journals for the publication of research works. Likewise, we carry out a considerable amount of activity organizing congresses, conferences and seminars where scientific communication can take place.